Decision-Making Ability | Icing On The Cake

Decision Making is the most important factor in personal & professional life. A Person with having Decision-making ability will be always strong enough to make the right decisions even in difficult and complex times.

While making any decision we need to follow the process by identifying the decision, its consequences, whether will it be helpful to solve the problem effectively or not, every alternative possible information, asset, the choice will be useful for the bottom line of decision. We need to think in every small, big aspect effectively.

Using a step-by-step decision-making process will always be going to help you make more intentional, astute decisions by collocating relevant pieces of information you have to delineate the possible course of action. This approach will increase the chance that you will choose the most satisfying alternative possibility.

Step1: Identify The Decision

Mainer times it's very difficult for us to take the right decision. First, we need to realize that we need to make a decision. Try to clearly define the nature of the decision you must take. This is a very important 1st step.

Step2: Gather Relevant Information

For taking any decision it's just collect some peculiar information before taking it.

What information is needed, source, and from where you'll get it, you need to be able to pull all the resources. While doing this you need to do some internal and external work. some information will be internal but some might be difficult to pull out. Might be possible it'll drive you crazy sometimes. But you'll seek the relevant information through the process of self-assessment.

Step3: Identify the Alternatives

Once you collect the information you'll identify several paths of possible action towards your decision. You can also use imagination and additional information to construct new alternatives. This will give you a list of possible and desirable alternatives.

Step4: Weigh The Evidence

Based on your information draw your emotions, imagination & intelligence on what it would be like if you are trying to carry out something from each alternative to the end. You need to evaluate whether the need is identified in Step1 will be helpful to resolve through the use of each alternative. You need to go through this difficult internal process if you want to begin to favor certain alternatives. This will help you to have a higher potential for reaching your goal. Finally, place your alternatives in priority order, based upon your value system.

Step5: Choose Among Alternatives

Once you have weighed all the evidence, now you are ready to select the alternative that seems to be the best one for you. You May even choose a combination of them. Your choice in step5 may very likely be the same or similar to the alternative you placed at the top of your list at the end of Step 4.

Step 6: Take Action

You're now ready to take some positive action by beginning the implementation of the alternative you choose in step5.

Step7: Review Your Final Decision & Its Consequences

This is the final step of your process. Consider the result of your decision and evaluate whether or not it has been resolved in step1 or not. If the final decision has not met the identified need, you may want to repeat certain steps of the process to make a new decision. 

In this way, you need to follow a complete cycle and you need to be a good Decision Maker. Skill U Armoury provides you an excellent platform to enhance your Decision-making ability, being yourself out of ordinary. 


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